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Ruskington Chestnut

Street CofE

Primary Academy

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Mosaic unveiling at Ruskington station

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On Thursday 20th October we unveiled our mosaic on platform 2 of of Ruskington station.  We have been working in partnership with East Midlands Community Rail.  The mosaic was designed by the teacher to reflect their local area, it is a permanent art fixture.  The children learnt so much in the 6 week project learning about the railway, railway safety as well as producing the fantastic art work.  

We have teamed up with the Sleaford Rotary Club to recognise and reward children for acts of good citizenship, we will be doing this at the end of each term.

Autumn term Rotary Star 

So proud of Freddie for being our latest Rotary star for displaying great citizenship. Freddie was representing the school in a cross-country competition at Caythorpe, he saw another competitor from a different school fall over ahead of him. Freddie decided to stop his race to help the fallen runner, see they were ok and get them back on their feet - a true 'Good Samaritan' to help his neighbour. Very proud of you Freddie for living our church value of compassion.

Autumn term 2021

Congratulations to Verity who is the first recipient of a Rotary Stars Award. We have teamed up with the Sleaford Rotary Club to recognise and reward children for acts of good citizenship, we will be doing this at the end of each term. Lissie from the Rotary Club came to school to present Verity with her certificate and badge and we were pleased to have Verity's parents at the assembly. Verity has been recognised for the support and help she gives to her younger sister who has has very severe and complex disabilities.

Every single day Verity consistently steps up to help her family.  From a very young age she has taken on responsibilities that are way beyond her years, always with enthusiasm and without complaint.  She spends a great deal of time helping out with Lydia’s physiotherapy, spoon-feeding her meals, bathing her, swimming with her, attempting to teach her to talk and walk, and helping her to access the world whether physically, through toys or via technology.  Verity entertains her on journeys in the car; playing with her, singing to her, making her laugh and feeding her snacks, she is her sister’s greatest cheerleader, biggest advocate, most fervent defender and best friend.  Verity is undoubtedly a STAR and deserves this award.

Spring term Rotary Star

Summer Rotary Star

Congratulations to Phoebe who is our Summer term Rotary Stars Award winner for her act of good citizenship. We welcomed Bob and Lissie, from the Rotary Club, to our collective worship to present her certificate and badge and we were delighted to have Phoebe’s mum and dad with us. Phoebe is very deserving of a Rotary star award, showing her kind thoughtful nature by having 15 inches of hair cut off raising £655 for the Little Princess Trust, her target was £500.  Phoebe has never had her hair cut (other than mum cutting the little ends).  Phoebe has been inspired by the brave stories of young children who lost their hair due to cancer and other illnesses.  Their stories made Phoebe feel very fortunate, “when the day comes to have my first cut, I would love to donate my hair to the LPT.” Well done Phoebe we are very proud of you!


At the end of the sumemer term Reception class through to Year 6 enjoyed welcoming back the girls from Kesteven and Sleaford Girls High School to join us for Tree in the Park. The girls from Year 9 come in and set up different sports stations. The children had a go at as many as they could fit in during the afternoon, the whole school enjoyed the wonderful event and there was a fantastic atmosphere on the field for the afternoon. Thank you #sleafordgirlshighschool. The children were very enthusiastic about activities, "the parachute was awesome. I loved the games, cat and mouse was really fun," and "The cheer leading was fun. The ladies showed us lots of ways to dance."


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In July four of our year 6 children to St George's campus in Sleaford to take part in a maths competition, we were up against 10 other year 6 teams from across the local area, we finished 4th overall. The children did themselves proud and were challenged with some tricky maths puzzles.


It was great to be able to get have our fabulous sports day open to parents and friends - it was an amazing day fun, active, lots going on and so much fun! All children showed amazing sporting values. During the morning, ks1 worked hard and each house team earns over 1000 points. In 4th place came Spitfire house with 1606 points, 3rd place went to Tornadoes with 1782 points, coming in second were Hurricanes with 1823 but taking the victory in the morning were the Lancasters earning 1884 points. Then came the turn of the key stage 2 children who raced against another house team this time the Lancasters came fourth with 142 points, third were Spitfires with 169, second were Hurricanes with 192 and in first place were Tornadoes with 222 points.  All children were amazing in the activities, the Year six showed how great they were in setting up and leading all the mornings activities, well done to all the year six children. A final thank you to all the parents who came and supported it was great to see you all again. 

Dance competition

#TeamChestnut had a wonderful time at the @CGSOutreach Dance Festival @KSHSSA in the spring term. The children learnt some some new moves to bring back to the school dance club.


In February the children in Key Stage 2 had a talk hosted by Kaye Robinson (Community Ambassador for East Midlands Railway). The children were educated in how to stay when living close to railway lines and how to look after themselves when at a station.



We had the opportunity to take part in the Woodland Trust's commemorative event to plant trees for the Queen's Green Canopy for her Jubilee year. By the end of the day we had planted well over 200 trees with the help of 70 parents and every child in the school. We planted trees on the school field and around the playground as we continue to improve our outdoor areas. In years to come these will be used by children to develop a greater knowledge of native tree species and to use the wood for activities. We even had the chance to invite our Trust CEO, Mrs Waters-Dewhurst to plant a tree.


In July our Year 6 pupils visited Lincoln Cathedral as part of the Church Schools Festival. Each year the Diocesan Education Centre organises the Church Schools Festival in Lincoln Cathedral over the course of six days in June. In total approximately 3000 children from more than 100 schools took part. We were pleased to be able to join our year 6 friends from Morton school.

In the morning, the children had a guided tour of the Cathedral, led by Cathedral Guides. They learned about the Cathedral, about God and about themselves and to give thanks and praise for all that God is and has done. Then, they explored the new Discovery centre, which was an exciting hands-on exhibition, providing engaging interpretation of the Cathedral. We had a wonderful day drawing a Christian symbols to create a stained-glass effect, singing iSing POP songs and hymns, and exploring this wonderful building. In the afternoon there was an Act of Worship, where the bishop blessed the banners and the candles.


At the end of the autumn term we had our Christingle service in All Saints Church, it was fabulous to see so many families join us for the perfect start to Christmas. Collection envelopes were sent home for you to donate to the work of the Children's Society. If you have an envelope at home please do consider dropping some loose change in and returning to school. The Children's Society do amazing work in this country to help children who are in the greatest need. Rev. Al passes on his thanks to all those families who joined us. 


Advent is a time of year in the church calendar that is celebrated but often misunderstood. As the children are getting excited about opening the first door on their own advent calendar and finding a surprise - do we sometimes forget what we are celebrating or remembering? Rev Al visited us and donated a Jesse Tree - this simple tree and beautiful symbolic wooden decorations is a countdown to Christmas from Advent Sunday (this year fell on 28th November). It was William's birthday on the day that Rev Al came in to lead worship and he was chosen to put the first decoration on the tree.


The Diocese Carol Service is an annual event that takes place in Lincoln Cathedral. This year was the first year that children from Chestnut Street had attended the service of carols and readings in our cathedral in Lincoln. Children from 8 school came together including children from Mr Trafford's other school - Morton CE Primary - who we travelled with on the bus. The children who attended were part of a mini-choir made up of children from Willow and Silver Birch. They certainly made the school proud with their amazing singing, wonderful readings and general good behaviour. Thank you to Mrs Rutter and Mrs and Mrs Goddard (Bishop's visitor and Local Council Member) for accompanying the school.


Our first visit back to All Saints Church in nearly 2 years was both a joyful and poignant occasion. The Remembrance Service led by our Year Six children was a perfect mix of prayers, words and songs all beautifully presented by the children in Year 6. Thank you to Miss A and Mrs Mansi for helping the children get ready. The church looked super with the children's handmade decorations.

We were pleased to receive this email from Rev Al Jenkins:

I wanted to write and thank you so much for the Remembrance Service this morning, it was truly wonderful. The Year 6s are a credit to their school and their community. Everything they did was beautifully done and with reverence.  As a former member of the Armed Forces I was truly moved and felt honoured.

Please pass on my thanks to everyone.  Blessings. Rev Al.

Our y6 did a wonderful job representing our school as part of the Routes of Remembrance project, they went to Nottingham station where they took part in a special Remembrance service laying poppies at the war memorial. This follows on from the art work the Year 6 completed at Bomber Command with artist Ruth Pigott making purple poppies these were made into a wreath and can be seen on platform 1 at Ruskington Station. Purple poppies are used to remember the bravery of all the animals that have served in past and present wars.

After 2 years without an opportunity to officially welcome our new intake into school, it was a wonderful occasion today as Rev'd Al, the children in Oak, Hazel and Sycamore received their school bibles and laid a stone on our cairn. Although for some of them it came later in their school career, it officially marks their start to their time as a part of our Church school.

Welcome to our school community!

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