Writing Intent, implementation and impact statement
Writing intent statement
At Ruskington Chestnut Street CofE Primary Academy, we understand that writing is an essential skill and we want our children to become confident writers. We aim to help our children develop these skills in the following ways:
• introducing and deconstructing a wide variety of model texts, covering a variety of genres
• by exposing and teaching high level vocabulary
• giving children opportunities to write for authentic purposes and across a range of subjects
• ensuring children have opportunities to talk about and plan their writing
• a solid understanding of grammar and ability to use it accurately
• giving children opportunity to evaluate, revise and edit their own work as well as offer feedback on the work of their peers
• to be able to spell, not only the prescribed spelling words but also words connected to the wider curriculum
• take pride in their work and its presentation, including their handwriting
It is our intent to provide high quality learning experiences in order to develop pupils’ competence in both transcription (spelling and handwriting) and composition (articulating ideas and structuring them in speech and writing). Pupils will learn how to plan, revise and evaluate their writing effectively. They will be able to write down their ideas fluently, spelling words quickly and accurately by knowing the relationship between sounds and letters in words. The development of pupils’ composition skills will ensure they can form, articulate and communicate ideas, organise them coherently for a reader, showing an awareness of the audience, purpose and context, and an increasingly wide knowledge of vocabulary and grammar. We aim to encourage pupils to develop fluent, legible and, eventually, speedy handwriting.
Writing implementation statement
Writing is taught in specific meaningful and effective contexts. We use the echo reading to underpin our English lessons through the use of high-quality texts. Children have effective, high quality daily English lessons and frequent opportunities to write across the curriculum. Speaking and listening skills support children in articulating their ideas. Children have opportunities to reflect on and improve writing through editing with continuous self, peer and teacher assessment providing clear next steps for learning. Spelling skills are developed using a phonics based approach and in line with the requirements of the English National Curriculum 2014. Children are taught to use a neat and consistent style of handwriting, and presentation. Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar is taught in accordance with the statutory requirements of the English National Curriculum.
Early writing in foundation stage in taught through understanding the five key concepts about print: - print has meaning - print can have different purposes - we read English text from left to right and from top to bottom - the names of the different parts of a book - page sequencing. This then leads to early mark making. When the children begin Read Write Inc phonics they are taught the letter formations.
The children learn to write and form the letters/letter groups which represent the 44 sounds with the help of fun phrases, learn to write words by using Fred Talk, learn to build sentences by practicing sentences out loud before they write. This begins with writing (whether with a writing tool or in the air) Consonant Vowel Consonant words (CVC), moving onto short sentences using the sounds they have been taught. This process continues into Year 1, where children are encouraged to use the sounds they have been taught and have separate writing lessons in addition to phonics. The phonics programme also includes elements of spelling and has a specific writing focus linked to the story books used in Phonics. In addition to phonics, children in EYFS receive provision for Writing using a Talk for Writing approach where children internalise the language structures needed to write through ‘talking the text’, as well as close reading. The approach moves from dependence towards independence, with the teacher using shared and guided teaching to develop the ability in children to write creatively and powerfully where they get the opportunity to use the skills they have learnt in phonics.
The coverage of genres considers the main purposes for writing: to entertain, to inform and in KS2 writing to persuade. Coverage has been designed to ensure that children cover a number of different genres and also gives them the opportunity to revisit those genres and build up their understanding of features. Writing is taught following our Writing Journey sequence and allows teachers to cover many of the objectives. There is an expectation that all steps will be covered, however, teachers have some ability to amend the order if they wish and to improve the flow.
The Writing Journey:
1. Deconstruct – Deconstruct one or more WAGOLLs (What A Good One Looks Like) identifying features used in the specific genre.
2. Planning – Children plan a piece of extended writing (age-related), for a specific purpose and audience. They will identify features, grammatical concepts and vocabulary to use. This stage often takes place over a number of lessons to allow children take part in spoken language and drama activities relating to the purpose of the writing, to explore a stimulus and to create vocabulary banks.
3. First Draft – Children then write a first draft. Teachers will devise the best way and duration of this stage based on their knowledge of their children.
4. Evaluate – Children are given the chance to evaluate their work at regular intervals during the whole process, not just after the first draft. They will evaluate their writing on whether it meets their goals, achieves the purpose and is suitable for the proposed audience.
5. Revise – From the evaluation, children should up-level and improve their writing, so it meets their goals.
6. Edit – Children are also given opportunity to improve the spelling, grammar and punctuation of their writing in the editing stage.
7. Publish – This stage is not always necessary; however, it is encouraged that children have opportunities to redraft their work and/or present it in an imaginative way.
Spelling implementation statement
In EYFS and in Year 1, children focus on spelling through Read, Write, Inc. From Year 2 (after completing phonics) to Year 6, in addition to the Writing Journey, children have discrete spelling lessons every week which teaches spelling patterns.
Vocabulary implementation statement
As a school, we have focused on tier 2 and 3 vocabulary in all subjects as we believe that a key area for our pupils is to develop a wide vocabulary. In English and Maths, all key vocabulary and terminology is displayed on working walls, reflecting the current learning of the children. These specific words are taught to the children as part of the lesson and referred to throughout the sequence. In all foundation subjects, key vocabulary is identified prior to teaching and this is given to the children as a pre-assessment. Throughout the teaching sequence, these are referred to and definitions are taught and discussed. There is also the expectation that children will use this vocabulary independently in their own discussions and work.
Handwriting implementation statement
In EYFS and Year 1, children are taught letter formation and beginning writing as part of the phonics and writing programme from Read Write Inc. Cursive handwriting is taught from Year 2 (after phonics has been completed). Children follow the school letter formation policy which is displayed in all classrooms. There is an expectation that teachers will present all displays and most resources (where practical) in the school font.
Writing impact statement
Pupils will be equipped with a strong command of the written word they will amass a varied vocabulary which they can use across the curriculum and spelling accurately and use correct grammar in their work. Pupils will write clearly, accurately and coherently, adapting their language and style in and for a range of contexts, purposes and audiences. By the end of Year 6 children are well-prepared for the secondary curriculum.