Year 1/2 - Lime Class
Welcome to Sycamore Class
Class Teacher:
Mrs Darling
Support Staff:
Mrs Hudson, Mrs Mansi, Miss Sturton and Mr Rudkin.
Mrs Keay - PPA cover
In Year 1 we begin the children's journey into Key Stage One. We make the transition from Reception (EYFS) into Year 1 and the next stage in your child's learning easier by supporting them with lots of hands-on learning through our inspiring and creative curriculum. In Sycamore class we learn in a variety of ways, with a mixture of formal, practical and play based learning. Children take part in whole class, group and independent activities throughout the day. In June the children will have their Phonics screening, children will be expected to know all the phonics sounds which are taught daily to them, you can support your child by asking them the sounds, looking for sounds in words and reading with them daily.
School Values
Term 1 - Honesty
Term 2 - Trust
Term 3 - Compassion
Term 4 - Respect
Term 5 - Forgiveness
Term 6 - Perseverance
“Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body!”
We read regularly with the children in school, reading is a core aspect in Year One.
Please try to listen to your child read, they are sent home daily with at least one book, once you/ an older sibling or family member have heard them read please log their activity in their reading log.
It is important for the children to bring in their reading folder each day in order to keep their books updated.
Children in Sycamore class visit our school library once a week to read for pleasure, sharing a book as a whole class or choosing a book to read in the library.
Year 1 - PE day is Friday (afternoon)
Please ensure children come to school with their correct P.E kits in a suitable bag on a Friday every week. Children need both indoor and outdoor clothing and footwear in order for us to benefit fully from our P.E lessons. Please ensure long hair is tied up and all jewellery removed. If your child cannot remove their own ear studs, please ensure you take them out on the day.
How you can support you child at home
- Read as frequently as possible with your child.
- Read to your child to model expression.
- Allow opportunities to read to a sibling, pet or teddy.
- Read comics, signs, menus, leaflets, posters, labels in supermarkets and a variety of books.
- Play eye spy games with phonemes and graphemes, for example I spy something with the phoneme 'a-e' they might say 'snake'. It has the a-e sound in it.
- Word hunt - post it notes around the house with words for them to find.
- Write on the pavement with chalk or in sand.
Trips/ Visitors
In Sycamore we make community links by visiting the Chestnuts care home on a regular basis.
In the past we have visited Sleaford to see the mosque, St Deny's church and the castle. We have also been to Lincoln Wildlife Park.
Year 1 Curriculum Overview
We welcome volunteers to listen to readers. Please contact the school office if you would like to support us with this.