School Uniform
It is hoped that children attend school looking smart and proud to wear their school uniform. Expected items of uniform are listed below:
Boys: The school red sweatshirt; grey or black trousers; either a red or white polo shirt or a white shirt. Black school shoes (No trainers).
Girls: Grey skirt/grey or black trousers, red or white polo shirt or a white blouse, school red sweatshirt or sweat-cardigan. A cotton, red and white gingham dress can be worn for summer. Black school shoes (No trainers).
- Long hair to be tied up with school colour head band / bobbles / hair slides.
- No extreme hair styles.
- No nail polish to be worn.
Children are encouraged to use a book bag.
Clothing for PE and Games
Black shorts, red T-shirt are to be worn for all PE lessons by all the children in school. Children will also require a pair of trainers and black or blue jogging bottoms / tracksuits for outside PE lessons.
Please provide suitable bags to hold PE equipment.
School uniform is available to purchase from the following suppliers:
- Arion (Sleaford/Online)
- My Clothing (Online)
- Uniform Direct (Lincoln/Online)
Further details and links to the website can be found below.